Brad Dickinson

Everything You Need to Know About Office 365 –- June 2018

The content below is taken from the original ( Everything You Need to Know About Office 365 –- June 2018), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Can you believe that June is over, meaning the year is halfway over? OMG. Where does the time go? Hopefully, it went to the beach where we should all be. This month’s updates cover some GDPR stuff, Teams reminding me it is important, and some other fun tidbits. Good news for you? I kept the snark to a minimum. You are welcome.



New GDPR Sensitive Information Types

I thought we were done with GDPR news. I guess not. This month, Microsoft announced new built-in sensitive information types to help you with your data governance and data protection policies bringing the grand total up to 87 types. Yikes, who knew there was so much sensitive info. The new types include EU Passport, driver’s license numbers, and a bunch of others that sound like the equivalent to the US social security number. For more information, read the announcement here.

Microsoft Teams Can Now Be Archived

Last month, I gave the opinion that investing some time in teams would be good for all of us. I got some reader feedback that agreed. Yay me! More proof we should know more is hot off the presses. Microsoft just announced that it is bringing archiving to Teams. That sounds like the more serious types thought of a tool they want to be around for the long term. So one of you go learn all of the Teams stuff and then teach me. Please?

OneDrive Message Center Gets an Update

Turns out that keeping up with the pace of change in OneDrive was wearing people out. So the OneDrive team has now committed to publishing a blog post twice a month with what’s coming, what has been released, and some timelines for future stuff. Pretty cool of them. Sounds like the type of blog post I can read and write. These post monthly…. wait a minute… Maybe I don’t like that I told you about this one. Assuming I don’t decide to delete this paragraph, you can find out more from Stephen Rose here, including the updates for June.

Exchange Hybrid Configuration Wizard Was Improved

Fellow author Tony Redmond wrote this little piece walking you through the updates to the wizard. He also had an interesting take that we needed these changes years ago. Hard to argue but I will say that we shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss its benefit today. I am not an Exchange expert but I play a SharePoint one on TV. And I can tell you the number of people who are still rocking SharePoint 2010 on-premises is mind-blowing. Just today, I had a call with a team looking to upgrade that to hybrid. There are still a lot of people that need to move to O365.

Did You Get Your Free Office 365 Developer Subscription

Do you find yourself wishing you had an O365 tenant that you can play in without consequence? I do. That is why I have like five of them. Anyway, if you go over to here, you can sign up to join the Office 365 Developer Program, even if you aren’t a developer, to get your own tenant. That way, when you see those crazy ideas you want to try but not in production, you have a place to do so. The tenants are good for 12 months, so imagine the fun you can have.

Make Sure You Are Taking Care of DNS

In this cloud-first1` world, DNS is more important than ever. Also, since sometimes DNS propagation can be slow you don’t want to be making willy-nilly changes like you did with your on-premises environment. To that end, my buddy Todd tripped over a great blog post from the Exchange Team on Best Practices for DNS. It seems like they put this together because DNS is the root of all evil and the root of the majority of their support calls. A lot of the things seem like common sense but they are good reminders. They also make you think when was the last time I checked my DNS? And whose job is it to monitor it? Not giving you answers, just points to ponder.

Ha! I made it without a single PowerApps post. You didn’t think I could do it did you?



The post Everything You Need to Know About Office 365 –- June 2018 appeared first on Petri.

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