Brad Dickinson

Keep your sheet music organized with Gvido E Ink reader

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Sheet music can be difficult to corral if you don’t have some sort of system. Take it from a high school saxophone player with a chronic case of disorganization. That’s where the gorgeous E Ink device known as the Gvido comes in.

Created by Japanese firm Terrada Music, the elegant and slim (650 grams, about half of what your MacBook Air weighs) Gvido is comprised of two 13.3-inch E Ink displays with 8GB of internal memory and a microSD card slot.

You don’t have to make a big production out of turning pages like you do with sheet music, instead utilizing a touch panel on the device to do so with ease. It’s also compatible with Wacom pens in case you want to do any special notation on the music you’ve got in front of you.

The Gvido’s price doesn’t seem to have been announced yet, but it’s an interesting innovation for musicians and those looking for an alternative to paper. You can see it in action in the promotional video below.

Via: The Verge

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