RTPSUG – Automating Active Directory Health Checks

The content below is taken from the original ( RTPSUG – Automating Active Directory Health Checks), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

I am so excited to be unveiling a new toolkit I have been working on with some amazing people from the PowerShell community. Join me Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM EST to see what I have created!

This toolkit, called PSADHeath, was built on the idea that most admins don’t have the time to keep an eye on every part of their IT infrastructure, let alone every nook and cranny of Active Directory. I wanted to fill in the gaps that my monitoring tools weren’t able to cover, so I started to write this toolset to help keep an eye on some of the core components of Active Directory.

You can download my module and run it as is, or maybe you prefer to download, pick it apart and make your set of tools. Either way, my goal is to provide a tool to you that helps you get the job done!

Join me Wednesday as I do a walkthrough of the basics of this toolkit and how you can get it running in just a few minutes. One thing that I hope is abundantly clear is that this toolkit is not very hard to use and you can extend to make it do almost anything you can think of.

A big thank you goes out to Steve Valdinger and Greg Onstat for their efforts over the last few months! You guys rock and this project wouldn’t exist without your expertise. Thank you so much!

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submitted by /u/compwiz32 to r/PowerShell
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