Brad Dickinson

Use Windows+V instead of CTRL+V to paste in Windows 10/11, it allows you to select from items you’ve recently copied instead of only the last one. Game changer!

The content below is taken from the original ( Use Windows+V instead of CTRL+V to paste in Windows 10/11, it allows you to select from items you’ve recently copied instead of only the last one. Game changer!), to continue reading please visit the site. Remember to respect the Author & Copyright.

Thought I’d share this tip for those that aren’t aware. Found this feature in Windows 10 about a year ago and it’s been a true game changer – use it all day, every day. Enjoy!

Edit: Yes, as multiple people replied, this can be a security vulnerability depending on what you’re copying and pasting. Like everything in life, gauge the risk in your scenario and use or don’t use it accordingly.

submitted by /u/mantheship to r/sysadmin
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